A man was visiting a foreign land and everywhere he and is guide went people came and asked a question. And the guide just replied, "Abu el banat." And the people just gave way and helped them. All day this happened until finally the man ask what, "Abu el banat, meant?" and the guide just smiled and replied, "Father with daughters."
If any knows what I am talking about then you have an furry only son too. A dog named Max. And 3 beautiful daughters. Here are my 3 beautiful daughters or DOTS I call them.
Buy, Hold and Sell! B.H.S.
BTW, I like DOTS candy the one that sticks to your teeth. Its a great metaphor for 3 daughters I know and feel!
Buy, Hold and Sell. I said it all to a Wall Street Broker.
"I make more money with these two hands than any of these investments." Did I listen to my self for a month. I did. If I had waited 2 more months I would be rolling in it. I knew. I did not act, correctly. Doing action is bad if you are going against yourself!
Get a mentor that doesn't know. Done, Check box! Before I invested my hard earned coin with these guys. They are not bad guys. Wall Street. They just ain't you! You know already. Yeah you do, that guy in the mirror that helps you shave, knows!
Look at the future and bring it to you! Whatever it is...Bring it! Do not listen until it has come to fruition. Right, Wrong or Indifferent. RWI--Once manifest then learn from it totally. In ALL ways. Leave it alone for a while do other things then revisit with fresh eyes.
You will see what it is in your first ten seconds! Trust the first ten seconds! Manifest and realize. These things are yours for the taking.
The Apple is sitting there are you going to reach out and take it. Yes. I make 'that' metaphor for a reason. Listening to the people who take talent and hide it for a raining day. Do not "listen" too. Presidents, Parents, or Prayers. Triple P!
Hear--them don't--Listen.
~They are not you. Listen to your self guiding light-- Mr. Atrocity here. Uncle Atrocity has got you covered. No way and how are you going to learn only by listening and not hearing. Doing comes by knowing where to walk. Well walk first and know later.
When you were a baby you knew where to walk before you took one step? Don't be dumb here, but you get what I am saying. Walking comes as a struggle then some babies skip walking and just start running. Then they fall. And slap them little heads. Yes, Dots. That's how you got here. By trail and error. Use your brains for more than hitting it into cement. Once you understand pain, you can avoid pitfalls. But you are not going to believe me until you see the quicksand.
BTW, depending on what the sand trap is you might want to be caught for awhile. It may --pay you a great deal to-- buy into a career --sand trap. It's not always bad to have a career as long as you know you are in a trap.
Have a plan or an Exit. Know when to get into and then stay and then eventually-- leave.
To learn and make money while doing it! So listen up my 3 DOTS--Buy, Hold and Sell you know which one your are--- Don't ya?

A CEO once told me, "Do you got the Dot?"
I replied, "Yes, I do. I sure do. All three."
Uncle Atrocity, out
Gotta Hustle...
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Never trust Mr Atrocity! Art you can trust him.
Two brothers just lying around-- which one is telling the truth???