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Modern Marvels Sleep Edition

Today's busy go-go world has produced a guilty pleasure. Falling asleep to the magnificent utterances of the Modern Marvels-- voice over dude. This guy could make paint dry by his very low 20 hertz string of vowels.
The Mod Marv guy, we call him that, has nothing on the Frontline narration chap. Or the great,
 "In a world, in a hero." Voice over movie maestro, who died not too many orbits ago.

No this, Modern Marvel voice should and could have his own comic book series.
Sleep and the Satanist.Could be the first nap blanket edition.
     Where hell, is not a place of painful torture but a series of interrupted great nodding offs, only to be awoken by that-- Sham-Wow guy, who I know died too.

Boy, don't hit your head while flying? Watch out Sham-Wow new guy.

    This sleep and wake interruption cycle, is a great and wonderful place to be. A nod off and a what the hell? Back to a wonderful nod of and then,

"Man that TV is so loud." Back to the sleep world and so on.
 In a space, of a one beautiful cocooned hour.

     Some how, I sleep better in a stretch of 5-2-10 minutes than a straight, no anti-gay reference, 'self pleasing' sleep of a solid 8 hours. As recommended by 4 out of 5 Doctors who study nod cycles. Without the cycle, I am told by Modern Marvels voice dude,

" might die from sleep deprivation."

    Oh well, thanks History channel. I have learned or slept-learned through more Hitler and 2012 conspiracy stories-- than I can slumber process. I guess, I got the 'sloth sin' down now it's time to work on the other 6 deadly things.

 That 'Mod Marv' guy does the trick, every time.
Whether I need to nod or ---(ssshhhh.)


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Never trust Mr Atrocity! Art you can trust him.
Two brothers just lying around-- which one is telling the truth???

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