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Showing posts from August, 2015

Maybe Tomorrow...

And there was a beautiful stone carving of a lovers embrace. And a man who created the stone lovers starred and remembered. And etched two words at the bottom. And after a time.... The man turned and saw a woman walking toward him and fell in love with her by the very sight of her and her beautiful body. He only got a glimpse and she went away. She smiled and went about her activities. The man chased her and chased her and she never relented.... he chased and chased some more and finally after much time she relented. He saw the beauty again and it was like he remembered. He made love to her and her beautiful body. Then it was finished. She smiled and went about her activities. The man said, "How about living with me for the rest of your life?" She smiled and went about her activities. He said, "How about this ring?" She smiled and continued walking... without him. He said, "Marriage then"......