Ego , you have done nothing in your little boring insignificance meaningless life or done anything of any value and importance for yourself or anyone else for that matter. I, Ego can feel the jealous envy of real men, that you have to live with you. Seems like no one knows you and no one cares to know you---my friend, Ego . Looks like, it's your destiny to provide the world with an example of what the life of a real egalitarian loser... looks and sounds like. So why would I want to go out to the mailbox of your empty life in the middle of your vacuousness Ego --- to visit you ? But, I can appreciate your frustration of seeing other people's grand egos accomplishing great and wondrous works in this axiom aeon or short quip-- age of time. But to you grand Ego I say, "No-- and no to all of your vain washings and wanderings." I say "Yes, to my heart for the ego is nothing but a tinkling symbol to attract employment of attractive mate...
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