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Showing posts from January, 2015

Neo and the ONE!

The One and the Neo are the same.  "All," (611), "must come to Christ to be...what?  You know the rest. "I have not come to bring peace but"....(611),you know the rest. "I wish I could destroy, 6ll, things but I am being held down for now, until my fire is kindled." These are ALL phrases, that are paraphrased from the New KJV of the gospels.  They are all spoken by...THE ONE.  NEO.  The NEW ONE. The 'NEW ONE' is spoken about by Nostradamus, he calls them, "Estrangias"...or Strange Ones? "Religion is science without the technology.  Science is religion without the essence of man." -Unknown Ones The prophets and the profits are a challenge of what constantly supports...1.6180339, a 'golden' constant.  What?  Huh?  A golden constant.  What, not possible.  Wall-street and Main-street converge at the intersection of the golden constant.  Money and Mammon converge.  Wall street says, "Going bro...