Lets start talking the Top of the Pyramid-- the Capstone of educational thievery and mind numbing goals---The Valedictorian CAP stone. The learning must begin with the 101 student. The Padawan, the mentee. The mentor cannot teach if the student has not really arrived. I wish we all could just pay tuition and then it would 'automatically' make us learn and be more curious. This is the grave difference in paying a price for the great Pearl and a great treasure cannot be found-- without paying a grand price. Explorers know of what I speak. They must get in --harms way-- to learn about harm. There is only so much you can learn by reading alone. But you must first start there. It's unfortunate that an athlete was handed a ball first, and a academic was handed a book. Would a parent hand their ' smart kid ' a ball instead of an education? Or the opposite-- any dumb parent who give the 'so-so kid' a boo...
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