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Showing posts from January, 2014

Transom Stamps and The Rear!

The rear entrance is always special!  Ain't it???  Why?  When you go to a shoe store and they don't have your size they say, "I'll check in the back." Why are they goods in the rear?  With the gear.  Why when a shop owner tells you, " I keep the good items in a little shop around the corner.  This is the bad stuff I mark up, but for you the special stuff is tailored to you, in the back?"  "There you see, right there.  No, right-- there." The five LIES about the WHYS ? Why do "women" wear tramp stamps? Why are these things related to boats? Why are vessels called she-s? Why are Gable house front doors all have transoms?  Why do churches have a dark circle window above the main entrance to the holy of hollies? Why?  Why?  Never wondered why Wonder Woman is dressed like a hunter?  Why the lioness and the bow are connected.  The architecture world all uses life to imitate.  They create nothing-...

The Truth of Ruth and Ester's Star!

The Bitter Truth is where the Sugar lies? Lies are sweet to the ear, but truth is like strong wine.  It sounds like a proverb it probably is -- a minister told me once if you think Proverbs is just a collection of Captain Obvious sayings, "Try making one up." In a short and concise way.  Like twitter now.  We see them failing everyday to make twitter.  Just a series of remarks taken out of context.  Usually inflammatory.  Since that's what most can make up in a short sentence.  But Proverbs is not inflammatory.  No one I have known has used it to start a Revolution.  There are no words of hate or disgust just pithiness.  Nice words of silver and gold.  Of sweet and bitter.  The characteristics of the truth or Ruth itself.  The Book of Ruth is one such truth.  Since the name is coincidental.  Not by accident.  I find females have a lock on the truth-- no man can discover.  Without paying a price...

DNA: The attack of the Dan Acids!

The (3-E) three is apart of our world.  A trinity exists in all of us that we accept and don't think of as the holiest of holy trinities.  D-N-A and the Dan Acids!  These acids are not just for life they also help our death.  These acids decay and bubble inside of us if we don't go to a funeral parlor.  We decay faster,  if we just left ourselves alone.  Since the funeral business is big business.  In the Billions!  Yes billions, we need to remember that it's takes a lot of dough not to make us rise.  Life already found a way to destroy our lovely carcasses.  The DNA forged life compounds in us and death acids to enriched the next generation.  This is not a unholy cabal that does it like in the Matrix movies.  But natural forces.  They are designed to continued where we leave off.  We use the holy trinity of acids to give birth to our young and we use the same process to depose of our elderly.  The...

Doc Doom is Coming

When find myself starting a new business venture or selling a new idea.  I always get "the friend" from school or work, saying. "Nope, not going to have it." Why are 'nay-sayers' so sure about their opinions.  Who died and made them Nay.  I don't get it.  Why not say, if anyone can make it work-- its you.  Or,  tried that last year to no avail but you a better man than me!  Or sounds good let's do it!  On and on they, the 'Nay-sayers' are always trying to stop American progress.  But the opposite also happens.  When there is a gun scare, suddenly.  The government can ban all weapons.  Huh?  They can?  When?  This idea no one is saying, "Nope, not going to happen." Instead anyone who has a gun, I mean weapon is buying another AR-15 or what have you.  They all believe this idea???  Why?  I am the lone voice that says, "Nope, not going to happen." Sure, Mister Atrocity you ...