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Showing posts from December, 2013

Kali-Ma Alcohol for the Y-EAR!

Well by now my wife is a staple of this blog.  She tried of me writing this blog and coming up with all this crap that leads nowhere except to the truth about most things.  All the people who read this will no doubt say, "I am full of it but they agree and learn something from it." Please stop typing that stupid blog!  This is the majority.  The subjects covered here are not their cup of tea.  They just want to go through life believing they know how most things work.  For the percentage of people actually looking for a real 'friend,' not just a Facebook friend, or a new way of understanding a concept, well you landed in the right place.  The ONE percent, I am talking to you.  Ok, I give you NINE percent.  Not because it's accurate but it looked better on the page in all CAPs.  My wife is not on board with conspiracy, or talking about anything that doesn't relate to her world.  I bet most people are about the same....

Meracles and the Lotto

 The problem I face is a simple one of time versus my life.  I do not wish to endure work anymore unless it is pleasing to me in some way.  Either by money or ease of doing.  So I seek the unnatural laws of randomness to assist me in finding a key to unlock the numbers I seek to grant me freedom from work and instead pursue all things that I think of the instant I think of them. Now, when a good idea comes I cannot act on it because I am not currently working or because I am currently working.  I must find a place where I can work and act at the same time.  How can I find a place where I can act and feel assured it is what I can practice and fail at if indeed I was wrong. The freedom to take chances is what I seek, so I give myself to the want and worry of chance, the lotto.  What has become a obsession is now a religion and is born of my repeated and unending process to obtain the correct numbers to free me of this fake financial prison...

Order a Liberal BACON Burger Please...

So let's talk the parties. ~Politics, that is.  When I want a Liberal in the White House, I should get that.  When I order up a conservative in the President's House, I should get that also.  We Americans need to stop treating our politics like a one-solution-fits-all approach.  We should always "order up" a liberal after 'a Bush' makes us broke over night.  We should be able to "order up" a conservative when times are good and the economy is growing. Instead, we get 'quilted or guilt-ed' into being a liberal or a conservative. There is a fellow by the name of Sir Francis Bacon. He is probably the one guy who ordered up the Scientific Method. Sometimes called the 'Baconian' Method. In the Bacon idea, there are four caves. Tribal, Personal, Semantic, and Dogmatic. TPSD. DogS Time to Pee. Yeah, I am using the hated anagram with odd vowels approach here. ( William Shakespeare = I am a weakish speller.) You can make your...


What the hell?  Flip-Flops everywhere.  I cannot go anywhere in this nation without seeing people's toes.  What gives?  If you are at the Airport wearing these supposed shoes you should be out(fly)lawed.  The terrorist love them.  Flip-flops I mean.  They see Flip-Flops, they know this guy or gal, can't act in a timely manner.  You can't stop the 'casseroles' on the airplanes from taking it over, if you wear these little foot badges of 'loser-dumb' --The Flip-Flop. Now don't get me wrong, my wife wears flip-flops all the time and she looks damn sexy in them.  She is a sex machine in a tight fitting pair of demon denim jeans and flip-flops.  Something about tight blue jeans and then a sexy bare foot, get me going.  Like the character who plays Billy Bean's ex-wife on Moneyball.  A white pair of jeans and no shoes WOW!  Hubba-hubba! But getting back to the topic at hand.  I cannot understand how people can ...