When the world fell on August 19 everyone else except for me had SUPER-POWERS. And they all went around terrorizing each other with these new found powers. Turns out, I was telling them we all were HEROES before the WEB came. I was always pointing to the broken dome over our heads. They did not care about the broken sky and went flying around the planet acting like the guys we all grew up on, in the movies. Super Heroes. BTW, everyone claimed at first they were Superman. They all made capes and masks or whatever Superman was supposed to look like. I kept saying, "If the WEB people took us over we could not trust any information about our lives or the movies we watched or anything." They just laughed at me and said, "The one without powers is a cry baby. ~Just IMDB it! And they all just left me alone. I heard them off in the distance knocking old buildings over or whatever they could find to be a Supe...
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