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Showing posts from April, 2013

Peace or Grease

Chapter Peace or Grease not both! Everyday I found peace in my life.  The trouble is, no one else in my life does agree, that I found it.  It's like Indiana Jones who doesn't wear the appropriate clothing, not wearing a fedora hat and whip, but tells everyone he found the Holy Grail.  "Yeah, yeah...says the crowd.  We all heard that one."  Peace is not found but actually claimed.  Like a lost item at the Airport.  You must prove that item that was lost is yours.  This is very funny to me.  Like there are hundreds of people out there looking for lost items.  If there were there would be no lost and found in the first place.  Peace can be had.  Now try convincing anyone in your 'real' life that is the case.   The rest  seem to looking for something called..."happiness" ~and not peace.  Now this is a mystery to me.  Happiness is a feeling.  And cannot be claimed.  It is a result of being bo...

Doof God -- Dog food

     Chapter Love and Dog Food I have a dog and his name was given to him without us being there.  So his name is Max . I call him Maximus after that crappy Gladiator movie.  Yes, I hate Gladiator.  It blows.  And it is not why I am writing this.   My dog who always tries to test my patience and my brains.  He always hungry and thirsty.  And before all those dog lovers start fake diagnosing my dog for doggy diabetes or other stupid ideas.  He is what we all do and that eat and drink and 'take one.'  He sums up what we all do everyday.  Sh#t, Sleep, and Shove food down throats.  Or his throat.  He loves to crap on other peoples lawns and not dump on my lawn.  Yeah, he is good at sh#tting.  At his 'maximum' he craps two a day.  I thought you did not have to think about 'dumping' or have a talent at it.  But as you get older you wish you could 'take one' better ev...

Zohar Oh Zohar!

My Wife-In-Law who is married to my brother always has me in stitches or just plain mad!  There is never in gray areas with her opinions or the reaction to these said, opinions.  She should work for some political entity to get people's dander up so they will run out an vote for or against these opinions.  She is quite adept at knowing the underlining causes of things but lack the sophistication to tell a lie from the truth.  This trait not uncommon among the humans.  We all lack this trait when our emotions are involved.   I found this out one day, when I was working with a set of friends from my Aerospace days.  I was out, on NFL football and not wanting to bet on sports, anymore.  I did not care what millionaire got a new contract or what have you.   Sports turned into a business not just for the players and owners but the fans too.  So my friends would ask me what games to bet or not?  So because I had not an iron, i...