Chapter Peace or Grease not both! Everyday I found peace in my life. The trouble is, no one else in my life does agree, that I found it. It's like Indiana Jones who doesn't wear the appropriate clothing, not wearing a fedora hat and whip, but tells everyone he found the Holy Grail. "Yeah, yeah...says the crowd. We all heard that one." Peace is not found but actually claimed. Like a lost item at the Airport. You must prove that item that was lost is yours. This is very funny to me. Like there are hundreds of people out there looking for lost items. If there were there would be no lost and found in the first place. Peace can be had. Now try convincing anyone in your 'real' life that is the case. The rest seem to looking for something called..."happiness" ~and not peace. Now this is a mystery to me. Happiness is a feeling. And cannot be claimed. It is a result of being bo...
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