What I find most disturbing-- is the people who are the closest to you, are never the 'good judge' of your own real worth. It seems 'Only strangers--' understand what you are really all about. The saying, "...that a "prophet is his own land is never heard." Is an axiom that is true today, as it was long ago. No one who witnesses a friend, 'growing up' thinks-- that friend is worthy of being heard. Or is an expert of anything at all and especially nothing special. Special never comes from within the city limits but always comes from-- 'over the hill.' But never right there in front of us. The real truth is that the thing or person we care about the most. Is the thing or person we take for granted-- the most. We wake to a world that is alive with color and sound but no one has the time, to see or hear this wonderful rocky enclave. We are just too busy. To damn deaf and mad blind to try to "smell the roses." Mo...
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