When you begin to understand how much money can buy and what it actually buys then you begin to understand what the real reason for the bits of trees compressed and engraved with dead presidents and one inventor's face on it. The real reason for the hate of the one percent. The real dislike for billionaires. The real reason why people don't want to become like the one percent...freedom. They don't wish to be free in the first place and then don't do anything to be free. They sit their wondering why they are broke, not thinking why they are not rich yet? They should be wondering why they are not doing anything but sitting there in the town's square, chanting about why they are chanting? There are good and true reasons why the One percent lord's it over us. They can. If the roles were reversed, I guess you would give 51 percent away and not shed a tear?? Probably not. Ask someone who is hungry to share that last bowl of rice or soup or that ...
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